Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lemons and Water

I always hear about drinking enough water, and I guess I am one of those people that has a hard time drinking enough to stay properly hydrated. A way I've found recently is to keep a thermos of hot water with a lemon to cut up and add to give some flavor. Its also a great way to warm up at the end of a long day ...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunrise on the Outer Loop

Up early and did the 5k loop lighted trail, then hit the outer 4 mile loop to watch the sunrise. I'll have to round up some of the usual suspects for some afternoon skiing. Going to be a nice day!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

More Snow!

A fresh 4 inches of snow last night made the outside loop at Elm Creek a bit of a slog this morning. It was a nice time to be out.

This owl was hunting for his morning meal ... he made a quick jump on something, more than likely a mouse.

And as soon as I passed him he was off. Great morning on the trails!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Swix Blue

With the highs a bit below freezing it's looking like a Swix Blue kind of week shaping up. Glide wax comes in a few different colors, and each color will be for a specific range of temperature. Around the upper Midwest, blue seems to be the color of choice most of the time. So with Christmas shopping all done ... a day ahead of time this year!! A peaceful evening here with a light new coating of snow, I took the opportunity for a relaxing evening in the shop and get the skis ready for yet another few training sessions. So with errands all completed, and the day off from work, I will be gliding over the trails at Elm Creek tomorrow morning, visiting family in the afternoon, dinner and some music for the evening.
Just a holiday wish for everyone to be with the ones they love and care about over their holiday celebrations.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Good Ski Night

It's tough getting good night images without a tripod. I had to rest the little Olympus on a lamp post to steady it for the 2 or 3 second exposure time.
Had some good skiing tonight. After running some errands, trying to get a little last minute Christmas shopping in, I still needed to get at least an hour ski in. When I got to French, I found the place absolutely packed! Not even a place to park in the lot. I almost bagged it. Well, it was still 7:30, the lights are on in the park until 10pm so I really didn't have a good excuse for not going.
Elm Creek was only 20 minutes away so I thought I'd take a chance on finding a parking spot, and hopefully not have to ski through a mass of people. Traffic was light, Elm had plenty of parking room, and a lot less people.
I had some good luck with the V2 open field skate tonight, finally getting the timing down a little better. Good balance seems to play a big part in making everything go smoothly. The older I get, the more elusive good balance is! Tonight was good! I even had the chance to pass a few skaters instead of being passed all the time. Of course none of the skaters I passed tonight were real Olympian material, but none the less, it was nice to not get passed all night long!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Catching Up

With the last couple snow falls we are well on our way to a great skiing season. I don't remember the last time we've had this much snow in mid December, and we were even fortunate enough to have some skiing in Duluth over the Thanksgiving weekend. I've actually had plenty of stuff to write about, I've just not taken the time to sit down and put another blog post together. So my apologies to those that came here and found nothing but the sound of crickets.
I couldn't be happier with the early snow this year. I'm going to need all the time I can get on the ski trails with the Vasaloppet, and the Birkie coming up towards the end of February. The Birkie I've never done before, so this is a first for me. And if I'm doing the Birkie I might as well sign up for either the 35k or the 58k in the Vasa. I think with a decent time in the Vasa I can move up a wave or two in the Birkie, I'm currently in the ninth wave.
So the training is going smoothly. I'm out skiing at least an hour most every night after work, and as much as i can on the weekends. I'm going to need it! Right now I'm only good for a bit over an hour and I start running out of energy, I'm going to need quite a bit more than that.
So since the training has begun, I will try and keep posting here how the progress goes. I'm also planning on skating the Birkie, and this is really only my second year skating so it could be interesting!