Sunday, May 1, 2011

Katchemak Bay

I finally found some time when the weather was nice, well 40 F and sunny is nice in my book anyway, and I had the day to goof off, so I loaded up the boat and gear and headed to the bay. I wasn't the only one who thought it was a perfect day to be on the water, it seems there is a whole bunch of people here who really get into the stand up paddle board thing. Now, I've not tried it, and it looks like a lot of fun, but they don't go very far, very quickly. They all seem to bob around like a bunch of ducks in the same place most of the time. Oh well, it does look fun.

I didn't spend a lot of time on the water maybe little over an hour and a half or so, but enough time to paddle up the spit a ways, then I paddled into the wind off towards Bishop Beach, that way, when I got decided I'd had enough I could just let the wind push me back. A free ride so to speak! It was a nice day!

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