Saturday, January 17, 2015

Chili Con Carnival

Big chili cook off tomorrow.. 
We have to have a name for the chili so, we have put out the word to friends and family to come with a good Alaskan name.. I've used Homer Brewings oatmeal stout, Kay Bay Coffee, and moose that was harvested this fall, by Kim's son Aaron.  

Thursday, January 8, 2015

50 degrees in January?

The weather is really taking some getting used to, I haven't seen 50 degrees in January that I can ever remember!  At least not here.. Or for that matter all my years down in Minnesota. My cross country ski plans this winter have been put on the wayside.. I hope not for good!  
The rest of the week looks pretty much the same...

Sunday, January 4, 2015


The beginning of a new year. At 9am this morning the Sun is still over an hour away from rising over the mountain peaks across the bay.  I never really make New Years resolutions, daily resolutions are far more reasonable to make a reality.  If I can get up in the morning with a positive outlook and stay on task, I can balance the day with what I need to do and what I'd like to do.